

Find out about what the Local Offer is and how this can help support children and young people aged between 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Wolverhampton SEND Local Offer

Help with Learning

Child jumping

Support in early years, schools and educational settings, travel assistance and more.

Health & Wellbeing

Child in wheelchair

General, specialist health services and support for emotional and mental health needs.

Wolverhampton SEND Local Offer

Support for Families and Young Adults

Find local community support, help with daily tasks, all age carer support, short breaks, moving between children to social care services for adults and financial wellbeing advice.

Child in wheelchair

Leisure and Short Breaks

Boy listening to music

Places to go, fun things to do, clubs, activities and support to get out and about in the area.

Latest News

Happy girl jumping

Find out the latest SEND news and what's happening within Wolverhampton City to keep you updated.